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The Science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Shows We Can Improve People’s Lives and Help Them Thrive

The Science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Shows We Can Improve People’s Lives and Help Them Thrive

Understanding ACEs

Child looking at open door

Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events in childhood (0-17 years), such as neglect and experiencing or witnessing violence.

ACEs include aspects of a child’s environment that can undermine their sense of safety, stability, and bonding, such as living in a household with substance misuse or mental health problems.

ACEs can negatively impact physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral development. ACEs can also have lasting effects on health, well-being, and prosperity well into adulthood.

Child looking at open door

Many People Report ACEs

According to data collected from adults across all 50 states and the District of Columbia between 2011 and 2020:

Pie chart showing 64% reported experiencing at least one type of ACE and 17% reported experiencing 4 or more types of ACEs
teenager looking at open door

Some Groups Are More Likely to Have Experienced ACEs

Some Groups Are More Likely
to Have Experienced ACEs

Multiple studies show that people who identified as members of these groups as adults reported experiencing significantly more ACEs:

Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native people and multiracial people

high school diploma icon

People with less than a high school education

People making less than $15,000 per year

workplace icon

People who are unemployed or unable to work

Lesbian, gay, or bisexual

ACEs Can Accumulate

and Their Effects Last Beyond Childhood

The effects of ACEs can add up over time and affect a person throughout their life.

Children who repeatedly and chronically experience adversity can suffer from TOXIC STRESS.

toxic stress affecting entire body

Toxic stress happens when the brain endures repeated stress or danger, then releases FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT HORMONES like cortisol.

This INTERNAL ALARM SYSTEM increases heart rate and blood pressure and damages the digestive and immune systems.

Toxic stress happens when the brain endures repeated stress or danger, then releases FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT HORMONES like cortisol.

toxic stress affecting entire body

This INTERNAL ALARM SYSTEM increases heart rate and blood pressure and damages the digestive and immune systems.

Toxic stress can disrupt ORGAN, TISSUE, AND BRAIN DEVELOPMENT. Over time this can limit a person’s ability to process information, make decisions, interact with others, and regulate emotions. These consequences may follow a person into adulthood.

toxic stress growing more from child to adult

ACEs Can Increase Risk

for Poor Social Outcomes, Disease, and Death

Research shows that experiencing a higher number of ACEs is associated with many of the leading causes of death like heart disease and cancer.

Chronic Health Conditions

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Cancer
  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

Health Risk Behaviors

  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Substance misuse
  • Physical inactivity
  • Sexual risk behaviors
  • Suicidal thoughts and behavior

Social Outcomes

  • Lack of health insurance
  • Unemployment
  • Less than high school diploma or equivalent education

Mental Health Conditions and Substance Use Disorders

  • Depression
  • Substance use disorder including alcohol, opioids, and tobacco

ACEs Can Echo Across Generations

The consequences of ACEs can be passed down from one generation to the next if children don’t have protective buffers like positive childhood experiences or a caring adult in their lives. Also, when families experience discrimination or living in poverty for generations, the effects of ACEs can add up over time.

two women smiling

We Can Create

Positive Childhood Experiences

The science of ACEs also reveals opportunities
to improve the lives of all children and adults.

The science of ACEs also reveals opportunities to improve the lives of all children and adults.

money icon

Strengthen families’ financial stability

  • Paid time off
  • Child tax credits
  • Flexible and consistent work schedules
coach teaching boys icon

Promote social norms that protect against violence

  • Positive parenting practices
  • Prevention efforts involving men and boys
backpack and textbook icon

Help kids have a good start

  • Early learning programs
  • Affordable preschool and childcare programs
teacher teaching peers

Teach healthy relationship skills

  • How to handle conflict
  • Negative feeling management
  • Pressure from peers
  • Healthy non-violent dating relationships
basket ball, flask, trumpet, paint brush icon

Connect youth with activities and caring adults

  • School or community mentoring programs
  • After school activities
data chart icon

Intervene to lessen immediate and long-term harms

  • ACEs education
  • Therapy
  • Family-centered treatment for substance abuse

What could happen if we prevent ACEs?


Fewer cases of




2 woman and 1 toddler entering doorsteps
Circle graphic representing 15% reduction in the number of adults who are unemployed



in the number of

adults who are




in the number of

adults with


Circle graphic representing 16% reduction in the number of adults with kidney disease
Circle graphic representing 24-27% reduction in the number of adults with respiratory problems such as asthma and COPD



in the number of adults with

respiratory problems such as




in the number of

adults who SMOKE

Circle graphic representing 33% reduction in the number of adults who smoke
Circle graphic representing 44% reduction in the number of adults with depression



in the number of

adults with


The primary prevention of ACEs — stopping ACEs
before they start — would benefit the economy
and relieve pressures on healthcare systems.

The primary prevention of ACEs — stopping ACEs before they start — would benefit the economy and relieve pressures on healthcare systems.

ACEs-related illness accounts for an estimated $748 Billion in financial costs in North America each year. 10% reduction in ACEs could equate to an annual savings of $56 billion.


could equate to an annual savings of

$56 billion

Working together, we can help create neighborhoods,
communities, and a world in which every child can thrive.

Working together, we can help create neighborhoods, communities, and a world in which every child can thrive.

Learn how you can help!

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