Achievement Mentoring (AM) is a school-based intervention to help prevent juvenile delinquency, substance use, and school failure for high-risk adolescents.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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PeaceBuilders is a school-wide violence prevention program that incorporates a strategy to change the school climate implemented by staff and students and is designed to promote prosocial behavior among students and adults.
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Strong African American Families is a family intervention for African American youths and their primary caregivers which seeks to reduce substance use and behavior problems among youth by strengthening positive family interactions, preparing youths for their teen years, and enhancing caregivers' efforts to help youths reach positive goals.
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The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based family skills training program found to significantly reduce problem behaviors, delinquency, and alcohol and drug abuse as well as improve social competences and school performances.
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The Steps to Respect: A Bullying Prevention Program is a school-based program to decrease bullying problems among 3rd to 6th grade students.
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Raising Healthy Children (RHC) is a comprehensive primary prevention program that infuses social, emotional, and cognitive skill training into the classroom and school activities.
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Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies (PATHS) is a school-based program for preschool and elementary school children to enhance areas of socio-emotional development.
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Project Toward No Drug Abuse (TND) is an interactive program designed to help high school youths resist substance use.
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Project Northland is a school- and community-wide intervention designed to reduce adolescent alcohol use.
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Positive Family Support - Family Checkup, formerly Adolescent Transitions Program (ATP), is a multi-level, family-centered intervention targeting children who are at risk for problem behavior or substance use.
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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.
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Positive Action is a comprehensive program to improve academics, behavior, and attitudes of children from preschool through high school.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program seeks to reduce and prevent bullying in elementary and middle schools.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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The Coping Power Program (CPP) is a cognitive-based intervention delivered to aggressive children and their parents during the children's transition to middle school.
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Multi Systemic Therapy is an intense family and community-based treatment program that focuses on youth male and female, chronic and violent offenders.
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Life Skills Training is a school-based program that aims to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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In Shape is a brief intervention designed to reduce drug abuse and increase positive mental and physical health outcomes among college students ages 18-25.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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The Incredible Years Series is a set of comprehensive and developmentally-based curriculums to help parents and teachers provide young children (0-12 years) with a strong emotional, social and academic foundation so as to achieve the longer term goal of reducing the development of depression, school dropout, violence, drug abuse and delinquency in later years.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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The High Scope/Perry Preschool Project is a school-based curriculum program that consists of a 30-week school year that aims to intervene early in a child's life to affect their attitude and disposition toward school and learning.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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Guiding Good Choices (GGC), formerly Preparing for the Drug Free Years, is a prevention program that provides parents of children in grades 4 through 8 (9 to 14 years old) with the knowledge and skills needed to guide their children through early adolescence.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a classroom management strategy designed to improve aggressive/disruptive classroom behavior and prevent later criminality.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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The Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program is a school-based prevention program intended to provide skills to eliminate delinquency, youth violence and gang membership.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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Families and Schools Together (FAST) is a multifamily group intervention designed to build relationships between families, schools, and communities to increase well-being among elementary school children.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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Familias Unidas is a family-based intervention for Hispanic families with children ages 12-17 designed to prevent conduct disorders; use of illicit drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes; and risky sexual behaviors by improving family functioning.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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The Early Risers "Skills for Success" Program is a comprehensive preventive intervention that targets elementary school children (ages 6 to 10) who are at high risk for early development of conduct problems (i.e., who display early aggressive, disruptive, or nonconformist behaviors).
- Match score: (1 of 1)
- Schools
Supporting School Success seeks to decrease problem behaviors in children through multidimensional intervention.
- Match score: (1 of 1)
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