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Local police, advocates, survivors, judges, and prosecutors develop a sexual violence coalition. The coalition creates protocols that are adopted by the police and courts regarding how to respond to sexual assault cases and strengthen community sanctions against sexual assault perpetrators.

Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?

INCORRECT. (AFTER is correct)


This program occurs after sexual violence has happened.

Local police, advocates, survivors, judges, and prosecutors develop a sexual violence coalition. The coalition creates protocols that are adopted by the police and courts regarding how to respond to sexual assault cases and strengthen community sanctions against sexual assault perpetrators.

Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?



This program is designed to change law enforcement and judicial practices at the community level.

An after-school club for male teens addresses stereotypes and teaches that men can be strong without overpowering others or resorting to violence in relationships. The goal of the club is to change peer norms within the group and to encourage teens to challenge each other and hold each other accountable for attitudes that contribute to sexual violence.

Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?

INCORRECT. (BEFORE is correct)


This program is designed to prevent violence before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.

An after-school club for male teens addresses stereotypes and teaches that men can be strong without overpowering others or resorting to violence in relationships. The goal of the club is to change peer norms within the group and to encourage teens to challenge each other and hold each other accountable for attitudes that contribute to sexual violence.

Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?



This program uses teens (peers) to change the behavior of other teens.

A rape recovery center provides support services for victims. The center also provides educational seminars, training programs for professionals, print materials, and other resources to increase awareness regarding rape and sexual assault.

Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?

INCORRECT. (AFTER is correct)


This program occurs after sexual violence has happened.

A rape recovery center provides support services for victims. The center also provides educational seminars, training programs for professionals, print materials, and other resources to increase awareness regarding rape and sexual assault.

Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?



This program provides services to help individual victims of violence.

Legislation requires educational organizations that receive federal funding to have policies that focus on changing school climate to prevent sexual harassment. Receive federal funding to have policies that focus on changing school climate to prevent sexual harassment.

Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?

INCORRECT. (BEFORE is correct)


This program is designed to prevent violence before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.

Legislation requires educational organizations that receive federal funding to have policies that focus on changing school climate to prevent sexual harassment. Receive federal funding to have policies that focus on changing school climate to prevent sexual harassment.

Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?



This program affects policy on a national level.

A school-based, environmental change program in elementary, middle, and high schools focuses on a positive climate and the prevention of bullying, harassment, sexual abuse, rape, and dating violence. School-wide policies and activities focus on prevention of rape and sexual assault. All schools across the state receive program materials, and all teachers receive training in the program model.

Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?

INCORRECT. (BEFORE is correct)


This program is designed to prevent violence before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.

A school-based, environmental change program in elementary, middle, and high schools focuses on a positive climate and the prevention of bullying, harassment, sexual abuse, rape, and dating violence. School-wide policies and activities focus on prevention of rape and sexual assault. All schools across the state receive program materials, and all teachers receive training in the program model.

Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?



This program is designed to influence behavior by changing the environment of the school.

A program is designed for parents of adolescents who have perpetrated sexual violence. This program focuses on respect and healthy relationships. Families are made aware of attitudes and negative behaviors toward women. Skill training for parents focuses on how to address behaviors that may be indicative of further sexual violence perpetration by their children.

Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?

INCORRECT. (AFTER is correct)


This program occurs after sexual violence has happened.

A program is designed for parents of adolescents who have perpetrated sexual violence. This program focuses on respect and healthy relationships. Families are made aware of attitudes and negative behaviors toward women. Skill training for parents focuses on how to address behaviors that may be indicative of further sexual violence perpetration by their children.

Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?



This program uses a close relationship (parent or family) to change the behavior of the adolescent.

A school-based curriculum for high school students is conducted by a trained facilitator. The curriculum presents information on gender roles, media, and relationship skills. Each session includes video and oral presentations, group discussions, role-playing, and other activities.

Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?

INCORRECT. (BEFORE is correct)


This program is designed to prevent violence before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.

A school-based curriculum for high school students is conducted by a trained facilitator. The curriculum presents information on gender roles, media, and relationship skills. Each session includes video and oral presentations, group discussions, role-playing, and other activities.

Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?



This program is designed to change an individual's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors about healthy relationships.

A national media campaign is implemented to educate the public that sexual violence happens in their community. The campaign provides messages about the needs of sexual assault survivors and provides information about the various forms of assistance available to victims.

Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?

INCORRECT. (AFTER is correct)


This program occurs after sexual violence has happened.

A national media campaign is implemented to educate the public that sexual violence happens in their community. The campaign provides messages about the needs of sexual assault survivors and provides information about the various forms of assistance available to victims.

Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?



This national media campaign is designed to inform the general public about sexual violence. Its large scale is designed to reach people across the entire society.
