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A national media campaign uses television and print ads to raise awareness among adults and youth about bullying. The campaign provides strategies for how to identify bullying, encourages the adoption of policies in schools to prevent bullying behavior, and directs the audience to web-based resources for further information and assistance.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program is aimed at preventing bullying before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
A national media campaign uses television and print ads to raise awareness among adults and youth about bullying. The campaign provides strategies for how to identify bullying, encourages the adoption of policies in schools to prevent bullying behavior, and directs the audience to web-based resources for further information and assistance.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program is designed to reach the general population in all age categories on a national scale and create awareness about risks and protective factors for bullying behavior.
A gang intervention initiative targets youth ages 16 to 18 involved in the juvenile justice system for low-level violent offenses. The program offers each youth employment opportunities and academic tutors to help them graduate from high school or obtain their GED.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
The program happens after violence has already occurred, and the youth involved have entered the juvenile justice system.
A gang intervention initiative targets youth ages 16 to 18 involved in the juvenile justice system for low-level violent offenses. The program offers each youth employment opportunities and academic tutors to help them graduate from high school or obtain their GED.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
Although the program is focused on a gang population, it provides opportunities that are geared toward improving individual skill deficits and opportunities to be involved in pro-social activities.
A city is planning a new development on vacant land that will include resident housing, work places, stores, and restaurants. The city hires an urban planner to ensure that the newly developed area is safe and secure with adequate lighting, easily maintained landscaping, parks, and youth-focused structures.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This city planning effort is aimed at preventing violence before it occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
A city is planning a new development on vacant land that will include resident housing, work places, stores, and restaurants. The city hires an urban planner to ensure that the newly developed area is safe and secure with adequate lighting, easily maintained landscaping, parks, and youth-focused structures.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
The new development project is being designed to proactively address the physical, economic and social characteristics of communities that often give rise to crime and violence.
A mentoring program matches youth who have a history of aggressive and violent behavior with trained, older peer and adult role models. Each youth and mentor spends two to three hours a week over a two-year period engaged in positive activities aimed at developing closeness and trust between the youth and mentor. The mentors offer guidance and advice.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
The program happens after violence has already occurred. The youth involved have a history of aggressive and violence behavior.
A mentoring program matches youth who have a history of aggressive and violent behavior with trained, older peer and adult role models. Each youth and mentor spends two to three hours a week over a two-year period engaged in positive activities aimed at developing closeness and trust between the youth and mentor. The mentors offer guidance and advice.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
The program is designed to increase the protective factors that result from a healthy relationship to prevent future involvement in problem behavior.
A local health department develops a network for parents of at-risk, pre-teen youth to improve family support and parent-child relationships through group sessions. Parents learn about the importance of supervision, disciplinary strategies, setting limits, and how to clarify behavior expectations. A professional group facilitator leads discussion and focuses the group on building parenting strengths and providing mutual support.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program is aimed at preventing violence before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
A local health department develops a network for parents of at-risk, pre-teen youth to improve family support and parent-child relationships through group sessions. Parents learn about the importance of supervision, disciplinary strategies, setting limits, and how to clarify behavior expectations. A professional group facilitator leads discussion and focuses the group on building parenting strengths and providing mutual support.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program is designed to prevent children's later involvement in youth violence by influencing parenting practices. The program is also designed to create supportive relationships between parents.
Businesses in a neighborhood have experienced high rates of violent crime. They successfully submit an application to the city council to be zoned a business improvement district. A special business tax each month pays for building improvements, security, sanitation, and increased neighborhood employment opportunities. They also sponsor special youth and family events.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
The neighborhood businesses are reacting to violence after it had already occurred.
Businesses in a neighborhood have experienced high rates of violent crime. They successfully submit an application to the city council to be zoned a business improvement district. A special business tax each month pays for building improvements, security, sanitation, and increased neighborhood employment opportunities. They also sponsor special youth and family events.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
The physical improvements, and the economic and social opportunities being made available through the business taxes, are aimed at creating a safer community environment and preventing future incidents of crime and violence.
A school-based program for middle school students includes 12 weeks of classroom instruction. The program focuses on positive behavior, such as being responsible and getting along with others, and includes role-play activities to help students solve problems in a pro-social manner.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program is aimed at preventing violence before it initially occurs. Therefore it is considered to be primary prevention.
A school-based program for middle school students includes 12 weeks of classroom instruction. The program focuses on positive behavior, such as being responsible and getting along with others, and includes role-play activities to help students solve problems in a pro-social manner.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program is designed to improve each student's knowledge, skills and abilities to solve problems.
A national media campaign uses television and print ads to raise awareness among adults and youth about bullying. The campaign focuses on recognizing the problem of bullying and changing social norms about bullying. The campaign provides strategies for how to intervene in bullying incidents, and encourages the adoption of policies in schools to prevent bullying behavior. The audience is directed to web-based resources for further information and assistance in learning how to prevent bullying from occurring.
Does this program impact violence before or after it starts?
This program is intended to treat young people who have already been involved in violent behavior.
A national media campaign uses television and print ads to raise awareness among adults and youth about bullying. The campaign focuses on recognizing the problem of bullying and changing social norms about bullying. The campaign provides strategies for how to intervene in bullying incidents, and encourages the adoption of policies in schools to prevent bullying behavior. The audience is directed to web-based resources for further information and assistance in learning how to prevent bullying from occurring.
Which level of the Social Ecological Model does this program influence?
This program has been standardized through clear policies and implemented on a statewide level.