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Frequently Asked Questions about the STRYVE Strategy Selector Tool

The STRYVE Strategy Selector Tool is designed for any practitioner or community seeking information on how to prevent youth violence. This tool combines rigorous evaluation science with the flexibility required for communities to devise a tailored approach to youth violence prevention.

How is this tool different from other resources available?

Other existing resources offer comprehensive catalogs of evidence-based or evidence-informed programs for responding to a wide variety of maladaptive or antisocial behaviors. The programs included in those resources range from fulfilling the highest standards of rigorous evaluation science to those with theoretical support and a growing body of suggestive evidence, from primary prevention to secondary and tertiary strategies, and from universal to selected interventions. Such resources are valuable but not always easily navigated and applied. The STRYVE Strategy Selector Tool is focused on programs, policies, and practices most relevant for youth violence prevention. The final version of the tool will be interactive and designed to provide an easily accessible format for public health departments, practitioners, and other community users to be able to quickly identify strategies that are responsive to the specific risks and needs of their communities.

How does this tool complement other resources?

There is a vast amount of information available about what works to prevent youth violence. In fact, there is so much information that it can be difficult to wade through it all to find what you need. The STRYVE Strategy Selector Tool provides a user-friendly navigation tool to guide you to the right resources and responses for your specific community. As you look through the strategies we included, you will see reference to Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development and Both Blueprints and provide extensive information on a wide variety of programs and strategies for positive youth development and violence and crime prevention. Both of the resources are good places to get additional, detailed information about a strategy, such as information about the research methods used during evaluation.

How did we identify strategies to include?

We employed a two-stage process to identify programs and strategies that are included in the STRYVE Strategy Selector Tool SST. The first step involved consulting rigorous evidence-based registries (Blueprints and to identify programs and strategies that are responsive to the risk and protective factors, and that represent a range of implementation settings. When programs and strategies were identified with a high level of scientific rigor, we did not review additional programs with a lower standard of evidence. However, the most rigorous evidence base addresses only a portion of the strategy needs that many communities face, and at times there is a need to look beyond the most rigorous evidence and turn to the best available evidence. The second stage of our strategy selection process therefore involved consulting more formative and suggestive evidence. Other registries, like SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) and the Model Programs Guide (MPG) offered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, provided additional programs for review. Strategies that were responsive to the remaining gaps in the STRYVE Strategy Selector Tool were reviewed by a team of scientists to assess whether the evidence is sufficient for inclusion in the tool. Generally, at least one experimental or quasi-experimental evaluation had to show evidence of effectiveness on clearly defined outcomes.

We only included strategies focused on prevention. Strategies must also have up-to-date implementation materials and support that is readily available to any user in order to be considered for inclusion in the STRYVE Strategy Selector Tool. Programs, practices, or policies not meeting these criteria were screened out.